Jim Lanier Presents to Members of the Maryland State Bar Association
Last month, Jim Lanier was one of the featured presenters at a Maryland State Bar Association event called “Let’s Get Serious.” The event was designed to teach other workers’ compensation practitioners how to try a serious disability case before the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission.
There are numerous factors that go into a workers’ compensation case. For serious cases with serious injuries, the number of factors only increases. Important elements to serious disability cases include not just the injuries themselves, but wage loss and the vocational rehabilitation process (industrial loss of use), pre-existing conditions and the Subsequent Injury Fund, and future medical needs.
Warnken, LLC is fortunate to have Jim Lanier on our team. He’s the guy who teaches other lawyers how to do it. He’s the guy other lawyers call the week before their hearings to go over preparation with. Jim is the guy who the Bar Association calls on to be the presenter on behalf of injured workers.